Community Sports Council Pakistan CSCP Jobs 2021


Community Sports Council Pakistan CSCP Jobs 2021

 The Public Sports Commission of Pakistan CSCP announced the last vacancy in Islamabad on June 24, 2021. The Public Sports Committee of Pakistan (CSCP) aims to provide a series of interactive learning resources on the Internet, providing community sports organizations with information on current best practices and targeted resources. The following positions are open to Pakistani citizens with the required qualifications, experience and age restrictions. The last day you can apply for a job is July 6, 2021.

Details on the work of the Pakistan Public Sports Commission

Newspaper: Zhang

Release date: June 24, 2021

Organization: Public Sports Committee of Pakistan CSCP.

Number of posts: 736

Education: Master, Bachelor, Bachelor of Laws, DAE, High School

Place of work: Islamabad.

Address: Pakistan Public Sports Commission, Islamabad.

End date: 6 July 2021


Community Sports Council Pakistan CSCP Jobs 2021

Work details:

Senior No work experience, with qualifications

1. Assistant Director for Youth Development, Master 115

2. Assistant Director for Contract Management, Master 04

3. Deputy Director of GIS Bachelor 03

4. Tehsil Masters 451 sports executives

5. Right hand on the couch 70

6. Student residence 02

7. Network Supervisor Bachelor 09

8. Assistant Engineer DAE 12

9. IT assistant BS 20

10. Mid-level video surveillance operator 06

11. Central Mali 44

How to apply:

Please complete the online application form and submit it online.

For offline / manual application, download the application form, fill it out carefully and send the deposit receipt to your email address.

Fill out the bank deposit receipt, which can be obtained from the designated bank branch, and upload the image (Visible Transaction ID / Challan) to the online application.

If this is an offline application, please attach a photo of the initial deposit to the claim form and send it to the email address provided.

Commissions can be sent to bank accounts through online banking ATMs / mobile apps or through Jazz Cash, Easy Paisa, UBL Omni.

If your transaction requires a mobile phone number, please include your mobile phone number.

Enter your Transaction ID and upload an image to the claim form.

The cost of the assistant director of BPS-17 is 500 rupees, and the cost of the rest of the positions is 400 rupees.

There is no charge for Mali Mail.

The fee must be listed along with the account name: SPORT FOR YOUTH One of the following

HBL Law Number 24547901794203

United Bank bank account number 51330020078630990021

Bank Alfalah Ac No. 0335 1007298144

Sonerin Bank Ak No. 0276 20008535222

The deadline for applications is July 6, 2021.



Phone: 051-9260899

Community Sports Council Pakistan CSCP Jobs 2021

Community Sports Council Pakistan CSCP Jobs 2021
