When is Laylat al Qadr in 2021?
In 2021, Kadeer's night is Sunday 9 May (09/05/2021).
Laylat al-Qadr is the 119th day of 2021. There are still 236 days in the year.
Celebrations of the Night of Power
When is Waqf al Arafa - Hajj in 2021?
AWaqf al Arafa - Hajj in 2021 is on the Monday, 19th of Jul (7/19/2021)
2021'in 200. gününde Arafa Vakiev - Triko. Yılda 165 gün kaldı
Hari Raya Haji / Eid ul-Adha
.Hari Raya Haji is celebrated on the tenth day of the last month of the Islamic calendar. This day is celebrated in memory of Ibrahim's sacrifice to Ishmael.
According to a story in the Qur’an, which is a religious book for Muslims, God tested Abraham. According to legend, about 4000 years ago, the Valley of Mecca was an uninhabited place. After many years of worship, Ibrahim and his wife blessed Hegara with a son named Ismail. Thus, Ismail became their most valuable asset. To test Abraham's loyalty, God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Abraham. After meditating on Satan for a long time and overcoming many obstacles, Ibrahim decided to sacrifice his son and put him under the knife. However, when he was about to sacrifice his son, God seemed pleased with Abraham's intention. Thus Ishmael escaped from the sacrifice and sacrificed his place as a ram.
This festival is a major holiday for Muslims around the world. Muslims around the world celebrate this day on an amazing scale. Mosques are decorated with bright lights and other decorations. Muslims wake up early in the morning to pray before sunrise. After that, luxurious meals are prepared. An important tradition on this day is the sacrifice of goats in the name of God. This is done to remember Abraham's sacrificial intentions before God. The roots of this tradition lie in the fact that in the past goats or sheep were very important in people's lives for breeding and for other purposes. Nowadays, people of all ages wear new clothes and exchange gifts. Today is a public holiday in most countries of the world. You can see people burning fireworks at night and remembering God. Inviting non-Muslim friends and acquaintances is also a popular tradition today. This is done so that people know the Islamic culture and traditions. According to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, there are three important things that are part of celebrating the Eid: praying before sunrise, wearing the best clothes, and practicing hygiene.
When is Muharram / Islamic New year in 2021?
Muharram / Islamic New year in 2021 is on the Tuesday, 10th of Aug (8/10/2021).
Muharram refers to the first month of the Islamic calendar. The full month of Muharram is a holy month for Muslims. However, the tenth day is the most important. This day is celebrated by different factions of the Muslim community for various reasons. Shiites celebrate this day to mourn the death of Hussein bin Ali, while Sunni Muslims celebrate this day to celebrate the victory of Moses over Egyptian Pharaoh.
According to a legend popular with Shia Muslims, Hüseyin ibn Ali was beheaded during the Battle of Karbala on the tenth day of Muharram. Hussein bin Ali is an important figure in the religion of Islam and is considered a member of the Muhammad family. It is believed that during the Yazid period, Hussein did not accept the Islamic provisions put forward by Yazid. Hussein decided instead to start a revolt against the ruler that led to the Karbala revolt. During the Battle of Karbala, Hussein was beheaded and his family was imprisoned in Damascus. However, according to Sunni Muslims, Moses defeated the Egyptian pharaohs on this day. Moses was a religious leader and had to spread religious teachings all over the world. On the tenth day of Muharram, Moses defeated the Egyptian pharaohs, the most famous of which was the persecuted pharaoh.
It turns out that different factions of the Muslim community celebrate this day in different ways. While it is a celebration day for Sunni Muslims, it is a day of mourning for Shia Muslims. However, both sides have more or less the same traditions. Both groups fast on this day, and Sunni Muslims fast the day before or after that day. This additional fast is believed to be performed according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. In some cases, the Shiites fast for a month and beat them with sticks that day. They are hurting themselves to commemorate Hüseyin bin Ali's pain in fighting the overwhelming zidi regime. Also, there are no big holidays these days.
When is Milad un Nabi / ID-E-Milad / The Prophet's Birthday in 2021
Milad un Nabi / ID-E-Milad / The Prophet's Birthday in 2021 is on the Friday, 19th of Nov (11/19/2021)
This day is celebrated to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Islamic calendar in the third month. As for the Islamic calendar, Shiites celebrate the holiday at the age of seven to twelve. By the date of this holiday according to the Gregorian calendar.
The period following the birth of the Prophet is believed to date back to the eighth century, when the house in which the Prophet Muhammad was born was converted into a place of worship for fractures. Khazouran was the mother of Caliph Harun al-Rashid. In the beginning, the Shiites celebrated Eid al-Adha. Today he is in correspondence with the rulers. Gifts were also given to those in power.
In the twelfth century, a year before this feast. You started celebrating, generally, in the twentieth century, and you began celebrating your birthday in the twentieth century. Peace.
The birth of Un Nabi or Malloyd is celebrated in different parts of the world. In Pakistan, for example, they shoot at dawn. The festival is known in other parts of the world for its beautiful parades and carnival atmosphere. There is a good atmosphere here, you can see people exchange gifts and give food to the poor. The day is celebrated with thousands of prayers in mosques and mosques decorated with lights. It is a public holiday in most Islamic countries.
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