Pak Army Intelligence Unit - Baluchistan FC 2021


Pak Army Intelligence Unit - Baluchistan FC 2021

Date of publication: February 7, 2021

Education: bachelor's, postgraduate

Company: Border Corps FC (Balochistan)

Location: Pakistan

Functions: 23

Entry deadline: February 20, 2021

Job Type: Contract

Address: HQ FC Baluchistan South, Search Division, Turbat

The Daily Belochistan Express described a new moment by the Balochistan Jobs 2021 FC on February 7, 2021, the Pak Army Intelligence Service. It will be given to the residents of Balochistan province.

There is work for the Deputy Director and the Intelligence Supervisor. There are a total of 8 new discoveries and 15 opportunities for the Deputy Director for the Supervisor.

It has been announced that MA / MSc candidates from different parts of Pakistan will take over as Deputy Director of Intelligence in 2021. Maximum age limit 35. New people with BA / BSc qualifications can apply to the intelligence service. Qualification 2021. Candidate must be around 30 years of age.

English and Urdu are required. Candidates who can speak Buluchi and Brahvi dialects speak more. New candidates may apply, but those with previous education will be discarded.

Here we are talking about the method of determination. After accepting the applications, the candidates will be asked for a composition / skill test. People who have passed the composition / skill test will be selected to assess psychology. Only two-class candidates will need final meetings.

Pak Army Intelligence Unit - Baluchistan FC 2021

Functions of the Pakistan Army Intelligence Service:

College Intelligence Service

Information Department

Application Procedure:

Unlike postal standards, entrepreneurs can apply online and apply through post offices.

Programs; Education certificates should include CNIC, Dental, Experimental Certificates, and one-time CV copies.

Newcomers to the online survey can contact

Applications will also be received by HQ FC Baluchistan South, Research Unit, Turbat.

The shelf life is February 20, 2021.

Pak Army Intelligence Unit - Baluchistan FC 2021
Pak Army Intelligence Unit - Baluchistan FC 2021


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