Jobs in Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) Jobs Pakistan 2020
Jobs in Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) Jobs Pakistan 2020
Jobs in Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) has announced new Jobs Project Director, Senior Programme Manager, Programme Manager, Senior Software Engineer, and Business Development Officer jobs in Pakistan 2020. Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) is seeking applications from eligible highly qualified, self-motivated, dynamic, energetic, self-oriented, and suitable candidates for the following posts
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Vacant Positions
Sr No | Name of Post | Location | Sr No | Name of Post | Location |
1 | Senior Director | Lahore | 1 | Engineer (Software Quality Assurance/Software (Back End, Front End, Multiple Post) | Lahore |
2 | Senior Programme Manager(Developer/Technician | Lahore | 2 | Programme Officer ( Share Point/Front End Monitoring & Evaluation, Commission and Coordination | Lahore |
3 | Programme Manager ( Core Database information security) | Lahore | 3 | Officer(Incubation Operations Support) | Lahore |
4 | Senior Sofware Engineer | Lahore | 4 | Assistant Programme Officer | Multiple |
5 | Business Development Officer | Multiple | 5 | Visual Artist | Lahore |
6 | Developer | Lahore | 6 | Technician *HVAC/ Generator Electrician | Lahore |
7 | Customer Service Representation | Lahore | 7 | Associate | Lahore |
8 | Master Trainer | Lahore | 8 |
- Further details including job description qualifications and experience are available in the Advertisement below
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